When operators companies close lock2 you can only use the contract or prepaid card for this operator, but you can use another operator company prepaid card if you know what GID1 must write.
Install Win lock
Run Win lock
Configure Win lock. Select menu Win lock->Defaults and change GID byte count to 2.
Push Read Phone, and write down GID1 info that appear in lock 2.
Insert the prepaid card from a different operator company.
We must find out a the GID1 info adequate for our new prepaid or contract card, take a look at our GID1 list and check if your operator and SIM card type is included, if not try to get a phone that have lock 2 closed and have the SIM card type that you want to use in your phone, and read GID1 info with win lock. You can try to write the most used GID1 codes like 0000,10FF,01FF, or FFFF, etc.
Change Lock 2 Type from User To Factory or from Factory to User.
Push Close Locks
Your phone will be reset every time you push Close Locks, if your card is not accepted the GID1 is not correct, repeat from step 4 until you find the correct GID1.
If you get error you must turn off your phone and reset computer and try again.
If you want your phone accept your original prepaid card write in GID1 the code you read at step 2 and close locks.
Exist a GID1 list?
In addition to the official way to open locks that Nokia service centers use with TDB4 or TDF4(for Win Tesla) security boxes, there is two secrets methods.
Opening the phone and adding a chip inside phone motherboard. But you will loose any warranty of your phone.
Using a special software with a MBUS Nokia cable. I don t have this software. Please don t bother me asking me about that. The only thing i know about that is that a friend is removing lock 2 using a special software. He don t make this for money, only for fun.